How It Works - Technology

Join a MoveFi Challenge

Corporates, brands, influencers and athletes sponsor healthy living by creating physical and mental challenges + sports communities. Each is designed to help form healthy habits all whilst getting rewarded for it too.

Connect your Devices and join a Challenge

PUML seamlessly integrates with Apple Watch, Garmin, Fitbit, Samsung and more wearables to run fun engaging fan challenges. Wearables are optional. PUML is compatible and fully functional with just a phone!

Earn NFTs and PUMLx

PUML is designed to incentivise healthy habits in the most 'fun' way possible. This means that we actively congratulate and reward participants with discount codes, merchandise, NFTs & PUML Coin.

Stake and Earn with MoveFi

Earn money by holding PUML assets such as NFTs and $PUMLx Coin. We have created the mechanics to support staking of NFTs and PUMLx to further incentivise long-term user growth, retention and engagement.

Last updated