Please Read Before Purchasing $PUML or $PUMLx Tokens or Attempting to Use the PUML Network.
This whitepaper sets out current and future developments of the PUML Better Health Platform, (“PUML Better Health”) and the PUML Better Health Tokens(“$PUML” + "$PUMLx") .
This whitepaper is for information purposes only and is not a statement of future intent. It is not a solicitation to purchase either of the $PUML Tokens. You should seek independent professional financial and legal advice before purchasing the $PUML or $PUMLx Tokens. Unless expressly specified otherwise, the products and innovations set out in this paper are currently under development and are not currently in deployment.
Balthazar makes no warranties or representations as to the successful development or implementation of such technologies and innovations, or achievement of any other activities noted in the whitepaper, and disclaims any warranties implied by law or otherwise, to the extent permitted by law. PUML Better Health disclaims all liability for any loss or damage of whatsoever kind (whether foreseeable or not) which may arise from any person acting on any information and opinions relating to PUML Better Health, the PUML Better Health Platform, PUML Better Health Ecosystem or the PUML Better Health Token contained in this whitepaper or any information which is made available in connection with any further enquiries, notwithstanding any negligence, default or lack of care.
No person is entitled to rely on the contents of this whitepaper or any inferences drawn from it, or any representations of the PUML Better Health founders, PUML Better Health Team, or PUML Better Health advisors, including in relation to any interactions with PUML Better Health, the PUML Better Health Token or the technologies mentioned in this whitepaper. The information contained in this whitepaper is derived from data obtained from sources believed by PUML Better Health to be reliable and is given in good faith, but no warranties or guarantees, representations are made by PUML Better Health ( or any related entities) with regard to the accuracy, completeness or suitability of the information presented.
It should not be relied upon, and shall not confer rights or remedies upon, you or any of your employees, creditors, holders of securities or other equity holders or any other person. Any opinions expressed reflect the current judgment of the authors of this whitepaper and do not necessarily represent the opinion of PUML Better Health. The opinions reflected herein may change without notice and the opinions do not necessarily correspond to the opinions of PUML Better Health. PUML Better Health does not have an obligation to amend, modify or update this whitepaper or to otherwise notify a reader or recipient thereof in the event that any matter stated herein, or any opinion, projection, forecast or estimate set forth herein, changes or subsequently becomes inaccurate. PUML Better Health, its employees, team, contractors, advisors, founders, related parties and representatives do not have any responsibility or liability to any person or recipient (whether by reason of negligence, negligent misstatement or otherwise) arising from any statement, opinion or information, expressed or implied, arising out of, contained in or derived from or omission from this whitepaper.
Neither PUML Better Health nor its team, founders or advisors has independently verified any of the information, including the forecasts, prospects and projections contained in this paper. Each recipient is to rely solely on its own knowledge, investigation, judgment and assessment of the matters which are the subject of this whitepaper and any information which is made available in connection with any further enquiries and to satisfy itself as to the accuracy and completeness of such matters. Any plans, projections or forecasts mentioned in this whitepaper may not be achieved due to multiple risk factors including without limitation defects in technology developments, legal or regulatory exposure, market volatility, sector volatility, corporate actions, or the unavailability of complete and accurate information. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that statements of facts made in this whitepaper are accurate, all estimates, projections, forecasts, prospects, expressions of opinion and other subjective judgments contained in this whitepaper are based on assumptions considered to be reasonable as of the date of the whitepaper in which they are contained and must not be construed as a representation that the matters referred to therein will occur.
$PUML and $PUMLx Tokens are not a security and do not grant a holder to any kind of passive income.
The $PUML/$PUMLx Token does not grant a holder to ownership of, or interest in, PUML Better Health.
$PUML/$PUMLx exists to facilitate the use of the PUML Better Health ecosystem.
$PUML/$PUMLx are not a financial or investment product.
Its value may become volatile, or reduce to zero. Its value lies in its functionality to interact with the PUML Better Health ecosystem. PUML Better Health may provide hyperlinks to websites of entities mentioned in this whitepaper, however the inclusion of a link does not imply that PUML Better Health endorses, recommends or approves any material on the linked page or accessible from it. Such linked websites are accessed entirely at your own risk.
PUML Better Health does not accept responsibility whatsoever for any such material, nor for consequences of its use. This whitepaper is not directed to, or intended for distribution to or use by, any person or entity who is a citizen or resident of or located in any state, country or other jurisdiction where such distribution, publication, availability or use would be contrary to law or regulation. This whitepaper may not be redistributed, reproduced or passed on to any other person or published, in part or in whole, for any purpose, without the prior, written consent of PUML Better Health. The manner of distributing this whitepaper may be restricted by law or regulation in certain countries. Persons into whose possession this whitepaper may come are required to inform themselves about and to observe such restrictions. By accessing this paper, a recipient hereof agrees to be bound by the foregoing limitations
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